How many times are we asked if we know a mechanic, or a remodeler, or maybe a plumber by our friends and acquaintances? Many times our answer is “I know this guy… “ and we proceed to tell of the great work so and so did at our house or for our church. Our responses are swift and adamant of the abilities of those we have had perform services for us. But what about the Gospel? What about telling others about Jesus Christ? My guess is with most of us we stutter or worse clam up and don’t even say a word. Why is it so easy for us to speak of the great things ordinary people help us with but we can’t seem to spit out even one great thing Jesus has done?
I think the first part of the problem is our relationship with Christ. Most of us don’t have a close relationship with Jesus. I don’t mean to say you aren’t saved but do we give Jesus the same amount of time we give our golf game? Jesus came to this earth to be our friend as well as our Savior. He is always there to guide us through the trials of the day yet we stick Him in our back pocket when we set foot outside the church house doors. We should make a special time in every day to spend getting to know our friend better. The more we know about Jesus and what he is more than capable and willing to do for us, maybe it will be easier for us to tell others about Him and what he can do to help them.
I think a second problem is fear. We usually fear what we don’t know. So, if we don’t know Jesus it is going to cause us great fear to tell someone else about something or someone we don’t know. We may fear saying the wrong thing. But God told Moses you will go to pharaoh and I will give you the words to say. If we ask God to help us speak to others he will give us the right words to say. It is not up to us to do the saving, that is Jesus’ job. We are to plant the seed and water it.
God made the plan of salvation simple enough for us humans to understand it. Yes, it may seem illogical that a Just and Loving God could care enough for me and you that he would save us but it is true. So, sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus really is as simple as “Hey, I know this guy who died on a cross for me and you so that we could live in heaven forever”
Are you struggling with finances? Is your marriage on the rocks? Are you or a loved one battling illness?
Let me tell you “I know this guy. He can do anything. Can I introduce you to Him?”
It really is that simple.